Why We Are Better
Every child is special with his/her unique capabilities. The very objective of Maheshwari Public School is to identify this uniqueness. The school is not created to force any specialization onto a child, but to nurture the natural abilities be it artistic, analytical, scientific or linguistic.
The time it takes to repair a roof depends on the extent of the damage. For minor repairs, it might take an hour or two. For significant repairs, a Edura or team might be at your home for half a day.
We believe that a love of learning flourishes best in a diverse community that respects truth, curiosity, creativity, humor and independent, imaginative thinking.
We try to inculcate in the child qualities like strong character, true sense of duty, feeling of oneness and humility for the development of their integrated personality.
At MPS, we use latest and modern technology to empower our students and parents. Students will master even the most difficult concepts through interactive smart classes. Parents can track performance of their wards through various means such as Online Management Software, SMS alerts and periodic visits.
The spectacular campus setting, school building layout and state-of the-art facilities only add to the congenial and supportive work environment.
We follow a teaching method wherein students learn through various activities and field visits. We have extracurricular activities all throughout the year. We aspire to make our student's journey at school a beautiful memory to cherish them for a lifetime!
You're not just joining a school.
You're inspiring a great future.